Back in the Gym

Ready to get back to the gym post-iso? Be sure to follow these tips from physios around Australia to make your return without injury as smooth as possible.

  • Warm-up and cool-down properly using stretching, foam-rolling and icing techniques to aid in your recovery.
  • Drop your pre-iso weight by 20-30% and gradually increase the weight over four-eight weeks depending on your age and fitness level.
  • Get your form checked by a professional and ensure you are controlled and slow in your repetitions.
  • Don't go too hard, too early! Build up to your pre-iso levels as your muscles and tendons will have likely shrunk, making you more susceptible to injury.
  • Check in with your local physio to avoid injury and manage your return to full capacity.

For more recommendations call 9257 1244 or bookonline at

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