A headache canbe a stand-alone medical condition, result from menstruation and foodsensitivities, or be a symptom of another condition or disease such as highblood pressure, arterial dissection or carcinoma. They present as pain, achingor throbbing in different regions of the head or behind the eyes. Headaches canpresent on both sides of the head, or just one. Sometimes they are associatedwith pain in the neck, the jaw or the teeth. A headache can be related todifferent postures, blurred vision, dizziness, disorientation, difficulty speaking,swallowing or feeling faint. They can also be associated with migraine symptomswith an aura (sensations prior to the headache such as visual changes, pins andneedles, numbness, difficulty speaking, or feeling fatigued).
Physiocan help to get you back on track.
Let us help with your headache. Call us on 9257 1244 or Book Online.