Gym classes for Osteoporosis

At Kalamunda Physiotherapy Centre we help treat clients withOsteoporosis in our specifically designed gym classes.  We’re here tohelp.  Book in online or by calling 9257 1244.

As part of the article listed below in the link we considerthe following with respect to each individual:


The best exercises to help withbone density are weight training exercises and impact exercise. When a bone isloaded with more force than it’s used to, assuming it’s not so high as to causea fracture, this starts a signallingprocess in the bone that causes bone building cells (osteoblasts) to lay downbone that adapts and remodels over time to get stronger.

The general guidelines for weighttraining for people with osteoporosis are as follows

  • Frequency: at least 2 times/week
  • Intensity/Time: 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions of each exercise
  • Type: 1 exercise per body part

Obviously we can’t give specifics without considering the individual, their health conditions, their general work capacity, and their goals but we hope this gives you something to start with.

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