April is Falls Month, and falls continue to be no laughing matter for our elderly and their loves ones. Falls are the country’s leading cause of injury hospitalisation and death, with hospital-related falls occurring more frequently in older people (AIHW, 2023). One in three people over 65 living at home experience a fall per annum. In 2021-2022, there were 233,000 hospitalisations following a fall, and in 2020-2021, sadly 5,800 deaths were caused by a fall (AIHW, 2023).

Physiotherapy has a critical role in improving function and mobility and preventing falls in aged care residents. There is an urgent need for a falls prevention program through physiotherapy-led care in the community. Evidence suggests that 55 per cent of falls can be reduced, with a projected cost saving of $120 million per year if physiotherapy-led falls prevention programs are implemented.


At Kalamunda Physiotherapy Centre we have the knowledge and facilities to assist in your prevention of falls and falls related injury.  Call us on 9257 1244 or visit our website www.kalamundaphysio.com.au to book your appointment.  We look forward to helping you.


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