At Kalamunda Physiotherapy Centre we have the most comprehensive fully equipped gym to cater for orthopaedic and musculoskeletal patients. We specialise in joint replacement, spinal surgery, musculoskeletal, Parkinson’s and rheumatology rehabilitation. We can cater for your physical rehabilitation needs to get you back up and going to fulfil your physical goals. We look forward to being of assistance to you. Please call our office on 9257 1244 or book online through our extensive website
Fully Equipped gym at Kalamunda Physiotherapy Centre.
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October 8, 2018
KPC Regains Accreditation
October 11, 2018
October 30, 2018
We’re here to help.
Call us on 9257 1244 or visit our website to book online and begin the journey back to better physical health.